Wized Auth


Wized cloneable for the perfect authentication with Firebase


How to clone?

Follow all these steps to clone the web app:

  1. Clone the Webflow website
  2. Clone the Wized project and paste the Wized embed code into the cloned Webflow website
  3. Build a Firebase backend (see below in walkthrough tutorial) and get your API key

Walkthrough tutorial

If you have any questions, please reach out to Support.

  1. Make sure Firebase is added in the My Apps panel in Wized.
  2. How to build the authentication backend for Firebase:
    1. Create a new Firebase project, give it a name and confirm
    2. You don't need to enable Google Analytics, this is optional
    3. In the Firebase dashboard, select Project Overview > Build > Authentication
    4. Select "Get started"
    5. Select Email/Password as Sign-in providers, keep Email link (passwordless sign-in) disabled (for now)
    6. Select "Templates" tab > Email address verification > Edit template
    7. This is where we edit the action URL. Currently, this is set to a default with your app name and "/_/auth/action". Change this to https://your-webflow-staging-page-name.webflow.io/auth/submit-reset-password > Select "Save"
    8. Create a Firestore Database: In the dashboard navigation select Extensions > Firestore Database > Select "Create Database" > Select "Start in production mode" and replace the line "allow read, write: if false;" with "allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null;"
    9. Start a collection: Give the collection an ID of "users"
    10. Create your first document (sometimes this is only possible after 5 minutes or so, as the database does not seem to be ready right away): "Auto ID, "email" as String and insert any email (we have to add a document here, but can delete this later)
    11. If not done yet, create a Web app in your project, call it whatever you want
    12. Add the Firebase project ID, Firebase app ID, and Firebase API key to your Wized project

Additional information

  • Webflow is used to build the web app UI, including the interaction.
  • Wized is used to transform the UI into a functional web app component.
  • For this project, Firebase is used as the backend.